This is another travel day. I seem to post travel days before other days and that makes sense in that I am in the room early recovering from the travel! I probably also enjoy the ease of getting the new room pictures up.
Today we left Busan and moved to Gyeongju. We had to check out by 11am. We could not check in until 3pm. We really had no idea what we were up against as far as buying the bus tickets and the 50? minute bus trip but we were not worried in that it was so short. We considered going over to the bus terminal yesterday and buying the tickets but it seemed too conservative given that there were many busses in a day and it was such a short hop. Kim left first, with the idea of buying breakfast in the 7/11 downstairs, Coffee if an important start to her day. The deal was that I was allowed to wonder as long as I was fully packed and of course back by 11. I at first considered going down to the Busan terminus of the Seoul – Busan bike route but it was too far, beyond where we had gone yesterday.. I have watched numerous Youtubes by people on the 9? day trip. If Kim had not some, I would have taken a shot at part of it. You can stay in hotels instead of turtling your luggage. Luckily, I can dream all I want about what I would have done!!! Instead of biking in the rain alone I am with Kim enjoying life!
My next fantasy was to see the actual cruise liner part of the Busan port. It is in another bay between the two we have visited. It even has a Science Museum that opens at 9:30. Again, I backed out. Just seemed a little too much trouble for too little reward. So what did I do instead? Mainly I walked a near by market.
I started out with a shot out our hotel window. It is easy to forget that Busan is really surrounded by mountains!Off to the local 5×5 block covered, warren market! Could not resist a shot of the carboard piles that are everywhere!What are these?Of course, the stars of the show, the fish. I was in China live markets outside Wouhan in 2019 but no animals here.Kim thinks these are Pork related.Some of the lucky fish get to swim their final hours away. Or maybe one fist has been living in this tank for 10 years?Talk about a long tail!The money shot! 7 People working in the booth! In my next shot, 15 customers are lined up around the corner.First day in Wuhan, I lined up, bought whatever they were waiting for and a young Chinese woman helped me!Breakfast at McD, Not before seeing a 40? year old woman trip, fall flat without a sound, and slowly recover.One last shot of our hotel. The entrance is to the left of this “art”. It is like 10 floors of rooms off halls and no lobby!The luxurious bus but not until after a mistaken trip to the train station and then a LONG recovery to the correct bus.Really luxurious! Only the driver did yelled at me for not closing the cargo bay under the bus after I put our bags in!My favorite sight at a new town, Gyeongju, though in fact an information booth is my favorite sight anytime!We are early for the Hotel, so they keep our luggage and we are off to lunch. A little above our normal class.Wonderful mushroom tortellini and a salad. I think Kim might agree it was one of the best so far.It is really a wine bar but showed up in the beer search thought they only had one! Owner is at the bar!Now the most important part, the new room. This is number 5 on the trip!Not much of a view but 2 double beds though Kim has pointed out that there are only 2 pillows.Quite a bathroom.Tub and shower. Quite a step up from using the whole bathroom as a “wet room” shower.Though there was a slight repurposing after a rainy trip to dinner.