I try to get up as early as possible, as long as breakfast is open.
Finally got a picture of breakfast and it is time stamped 7:30am. I could get used to this!This is the internet!! The dish is to the far right roof of the main lodge, closest to me.Shed you see above. Go here behind main lodge for internet/phone. I use the computer in my cabin but no internet.This fenced in garden is right next to the phone booth.And the potatoes are drying, garden in the background.My morning walk area is to the right of the campus. The grave of Tim of Tim Pond.The path North is well marked. I have come back to the lake near the damn and this shot is looking toward camp.Above is looking right. The Damn where Tim Pond empties is this way.This is the actual stream out. I think this is referred to as the new damn and the old damn is further down the stream.he above image is the first from my next adventure. It is animal poop, right? I got lost looking for the lower damn.I asked one of the men working at the camp, a cook? and he helped me find the trail leading to the lower damn.Often I was on a good trail like this but it also just petered out. I kept going, bush wacking.I never took pictures when I was really lost. I had my phone, google maps gave me a general idea of my progress.Some times I was going the right way, sometimes the wrong! I was worried but also confident of getting out. I never saw the lower damn but made it back for lunch. The food really was good!Desert at lunch!! I really had given myself a good scare with wondering around in the woods!Bill Calden runs Tim Pond. I have the idea that his parents ran it for many years and that is his mother standing.2 more adventures for this Saturday! I drove the car past the skeleton in the truck and turned left as I had done Friday.I left the car and walked on the road. This picture was taken looking left, away from the direction of the Pond.I kept an eye on my watch, knew I had to be back at 6. Then it struck me, not 6, 5pm and it was already after 4:30!Saturday is roast beef. I was very late, like 5:30. Bill had already gone down to my cabin to see if I was dead.Love those deserts!I took the canoe out after dinner to paddle around. This is my last night. Many others are out fishing.It is getting darker. This is looking beyond the damn on the right and the outlet stream to the ridges north.This is clearly the canoe and not a motor boat. I’ll look back at the friday pictures and see if that was the motor boat.Good night moon, last night. I started one last fire at the picnic tables and a man came and joined me to talk.