Cancun 2022: Simbolo FONATUR

Not sure what Simbolo Fomatur means but that is what Google calls the Blue Monument at the end, Kilometer 26, of the Hotel Road. I try to take a picture of it each morning as I have a little rest! You can also see it as the first image in the cycling page on this sight, taken back in 2016.

First imge for 2022, Sunday morning.
Monday morning. I must have been a little faster!
Thursday Blue. Tuesday, only day I was on Hotel Road but turned at the Cancun Sign Wednesday not on Hotel Road.
Thursday, same guy.
Sunday, I am back! This selfie tradition is repeated when I ride in Boothbay, each ride a selfie from the turn around.
Tuesday. At last an image of my loyal companion, also having a rest.
Thursday. Last ride. Seems it is a little lighter so a little later in the morning, maybe 7am.

Claim I went Hotel Road 8 days. One I turned back at Cancun Sign, Only 6 here. Did I forget to take a pic one day?