Cancun 2023: Money

The totals are in. Airfare $340 + $130 ground transportation, bags, parking. So $470

Room for the 15 nights is $645, or about $43 per night.

Bike is $390 + one flat tire, $405

I took out $476 in cash. I brought some Pesos from NH and took about the same number home as prime for next year!

I spent about $330 at the supermarket. This one I do not really understand. I drink high cost Belgium beer, maybe $5 a bottle in my Airbnb at night but still am not at all sure where all this money went. I’ll be more on top of it in 2024.

Lunch and dinner came to $1225 on the credit card. Also some of the cash went for food.

That is really it: 470 + 645 + 405 + 475 + 330 + 1225 => 3550. That is a little high in that I can usually travel at 1500 a week or 3000 for the two weeks. Inflation is real. Maybe I will have to start saying I can travel for $2000 a week?

Some details:

This is my 4th year at Casa Fuego. It is an apartment with a small kitchen, bathroom and living/sleep area. You can see it on Airbnb. About $43 per night. There is a small hostel connected with the same property. This is a plus rather than a minus in that I am alone and there is a rare chance to run into some of the other residents.

I rent a bike just around the corner at Elite. I have rented from them all 7 years. Today was my FIRST flat tire! They charge about $28 per day for my 14 days. That may seem a little high but I get a helmet, pump, tire changing operation etc. They provide a group ride 3 times a week and made it all extra worthwhile today when their chase vehicle stopped and gave me a ride home after my flat!

Just to round out the money angle: airfare was $340 round trip. That is standing room only, no seat pre selection or checked baggage. So, total is $340 air+$645 room+$392 bike => $1377. I have been very lucky to travel for about $1500 per week on average for years. That leaves me $100/day in Cancun for food etc. Some trips are a little more expensive than others. My air fare trick is that IF I can get to the gate with my LARGE backpack and rolly suitcase, then I volunteer for gate check. That means they put a tag on my bag, take it from me as I board and it is the first on the carousel when we land. It is free. The flight attendance are so happy to have to deal with one less bag to cram in the overheads.