Monday Weather

Today, Monday, weather, i.e. rain, rises its ugly head here in paradise. I don’t look at the weather regularly here. Usually when I go out I come home with a sweaty shirt that I have to hang on a door knob or the TV. And, this has nothing to do with bike riding 30-40 miles. Just walking to the bus stop. Again, I have a manta for it, “cut the speed in half”. It means slow down. I generally walk quickly in life. I drive slowly, makes my wife crazy, but I walk fairly briskly. And it is not possible for me to really cut the pace in half. I am just trying to slow down enough to not arrive at the destination dripping wet. But, most, and I guess maybe all, of the destinations have AC or a fan or something so that I am soon more than comfortable.

It is raining. It is almost 8am. I turned the normal 5am alarm off at 4am. It will be interesting to see what happens to me after 5 days of riding 30-40 miles between 6 and 8am and now I am sitting here typing. The dream was amazing. I was in a self-driving car with a family and did not notice it was self driving for the first part of the trip in city traffic! The “mother” was showing me “work sheets”? from one of her children’s teachers and enthusing over the man’s teaching ideas and saying how she could really be attracted to him. We are alone in the front seat, me on the left. Leaning over, that is when I noticed there was no steering wheel anywhere. First I though her husband might be driving from the back. I warn her that she has to be careful of those feelings of attraction and am painfully aware that I have not been using breath mints. Earlier in her home we have been trying to get the children to interact with a personality instrument/game an older woman is showing. The demonstrator is aware that trying to pull the children into the interaction may be a poor idea. The children are Dan’s daughter and sun from Friday night.

We have stopped for a moment at the husband’s office. A young man and I have started walking outside. He is not but not unlike Dan. I’m trying to remember when else I hve been with people at this level of wealth where everything is taken care of, helpers to do anything. After waking up, I am trying to remember sych situations.

OK, back to the weather. It has even been thundering along with the steady rain. I have to face up to being here for the morning at least. I do have the almost beach size umbrella that I drag around the world but from the sound of the rain, even that giant of it’s species will fail to keep my lower half dry in this deluge. It will be fun to see how the locals cope? Usually I save a trip to the Hotel Zone Mayan museum for use in he event of a rainy day but in fact just getting there in this is not appealing. I would love to go out and have something different from my normal cherries for breakfast. At first I imagined a trip to Walmart to buy wonderful Greek yogurt with cherries on the bottom but even that is unappealing in this rain.

Luckily I was hungary enough and uninspired enough by a 5th day of cherries to brave the rain. In fact it is not bad at all. I think what fools me is that the drain from the roof of the apartment building I am in comes down right by my window and I hear all that water. Outside, it is a light sprinkle. I did see one local with a poncho but everyone else just gets wet and jumps over the puddles. I think with the umbrella Portot Morelos trip for today is back on. Now my concern is getting the online tasks I was thinking of doing here far enough along to support a reasonable lunch arrival in Puerto.