Cancun 2020 Mistakes

A large part of our family humor involves self-depreciating stories. I had not had a special page for these incidents until China 2019 and I kind of liked the idea and so will continue here. I will also probably add a page about what I am most proud of!

On Sunday, I managed to wear my computer glasses out for lunch. Of course that may not seem like much. If it was really a major problem you would think that I would notice the condition as I lock the door, walk the 1/2K to the bus, pay to get on, get off at the right location, order lunch etc. I only realized the mistake when I tried to read. My computer glasses are specially designed for screen reading. They are not bifocals. The idea is to prevent me from tipping my head back with my normal bifocals, thereby destroying my neck when at the computer. I think as the computer glasses as really just like by bifocals but with the whole lens having the prescription that is normally just in the bottom part of the bifocal. In fact, this is a simplification. The computer glasses are also designed to help me read something at a screen distance. My normal way of telling which glasses I have on is to run my finger over the lens and see if I hit a line! They are usually not very good to use when talking to people but in fact I had my best conversations of the trip, so far, on this wrong glasses lunch.

Last night, Monday, I managed to not check if the anointed dinner restaurant was open and so took a long unnecessary walk.

Today, Tuesday, while washing my riding shirt in the sick, I noticed the “emergency money and card” had resided to join in the bath. The card with wife’s phone numbers and the instructions “Please call my wife” will have to be rewritten. The since large bill is drying in the sun and should be ready to ride tomorrow.

Lost a rear tail blinky light on the first ride. I heard it go but it was just not worth the effort to slow, stop and try to find it. I assumed the “belt like” clip I had used to attach it to the under seat saddlebag had jumped over the strap. Not so. It was another light with a real professional rubber attachment to the frame of the bike. But, the malfunction was in the clipping the light to the rubber frame. It appears I just did not engage the clip properly and so it jumped out at the first significant bump. I now have a jury rig of rubber band and key ring holding another light to the surviving professional light stand.

Kept ordering margaritas without asking for no ice. I think I am over that but I am sure it will raise its watery head again sometime when I am not mentally present enough.