Lagos 2024: The Exit

Time to start planning my return to Boston. I said thank you and good by to Carley the wonderful bar keep at Shaker. I will be in, tomorrow, Saturday at my normal 5pm but she does not work weekends. Hopefully I am really committed to a short ride to lunch and back tomorrow. I have not ridden for the last 5! days dur to coughing!. I meet a man to return the bike at 4pm tomorrow. I have to bring him the 190 Euro I owe. I also want to go to the train station, hopefully on my way out of town on tomorrow’s ride, to buy my ticket to Lisboa for Sunday morning. I also want to be sure and pay for the Saturday night stay here in the Hostel. The same as last year, I made the reservation one day shorter than I needed to. I want to avoid having that hanging over me as I do the final packing Sunday morning and head for the train. Want to be sure the bill is all settled!

It is 10am Saturday and I am making rogress. I seem to have settled the bill. After looking at the train and bus schedules, I am afraid I will do the bus. I like the train somewhat more. I can move around. Just a more spacious and comfortable atmosphere. But, the times are terrible. A couple before 8 in the morning and then nothing until afternoon. So my plan is to do the bus leaving about 10am/ I will walk to the bus terminal. It will be hard with all the luggage but I think doable.

The other project I tried to do with Riea at the front desk, after paying, was to get some tape to repair the gopro where I lost the cover at Beaio de rio. I will just have to hope that my jerry rig of sticking in paper will do the trick?